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How to use Digital Thermometer to check your body temperature?

To use a digital thermometer to check your body temperature, you need to follow these steps: - Turn on the thermometer and make sure the screen is clear. If it shows any previous reading, press the reset button to clear it. - Choose the location where you want to measure your temperature. You can use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature in your mouth, ear, armpit, or rectum. However, different locations may give slightly different results, so you should use the same location every time for consistency. - If you are using the thermometer in your mouth, make sure you have not eaten or drunk anything hot or cold for at least 15 minutes before taking your temperature. Place the tip of the thermometer under your tongue and close your mouth around it. Do not bite or talk while the thermometer is in your mouth. - If you are using the thermometer in your ear, make sure the ear canal is clean and dry. Gently pull your ear up and back to straighten the ear canal. Insert the tip of th
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What medicines my family and I took to recover from Covid 19 illness?

When we discovered that we have Covid 19, the first step we took was we contacted our family doctors for the suggestion.  Our doctors suggested us if you have symptom's don't wait for a test. Just start your treatment right now, judging the current situation in Delhi, where stress on testing, there was a delay of 4 to 5days. And at my hometown, my family also didn't wait for the test results and started the treatment immediately. What was medicine suggested to us by our doctors at the beginning? Zincovit, or any alternate brand medicines having zinc more than equal to 50mg. (Once a day for 30days) Limcee or any alternate brand medicines of Vitamin C. (Twice a day for 30days) Uprise D3 60k or any alternate brand medicines of Vitamin D3. (Once a week for 4weeks) Doxycycline (Twice a day for 10days) Ivermectin (Twice a day for 3days) Shelcal 500mg (Once every alternate day for a month) Becosules (Thrice a week for a month) Betadine for Gargle (Every time you gargle) Dolo 650mg