We Indians use lots of herbs and desi upchars (treatments) to get rids of illness. We have a long list of Ayurvedic products and procedures to follow. What home remedies my entire family followed to recover fast from Covid 19? Gargle with Turmeric (Haldi) and a pinch of salt - 3 times a day . Chyawanprash (Ancient equation of herbs and minerals to restore drained life force, preserve stamina, strength, and vitality) - 1 teaspoon a day . Turmeric Milk - 1 cup a day . Steam with eucalyptus oil - 3 times a day for 10minutes per session . Kadha or Herbal tea made with turmeric, raw ginger, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, salt, lemon, and black pepper - 2 times a day . Check out my post What medicines my family and I took to recover from Covid 19 illness? Covid19 Essentials: